Monday, March 28, 2011

Waiting for the next cue

Recently, everything has been dependent on waiting, whether it be for "big life" decisions, waiting for this chapter to close or waiting for it to be my turn to order my coffee drink. Everything seems so up in the air. As I try and plan for the next paragraphs in my autobiography (yes I just made that phrase up) I can't help but think of the passage that talks about how we aren't to talk about all these lofty plans, but only speak in a manner of saying "If the Lord wills it." With the waiting comes nostalgia and wanting to cherish every moment. It's like when you're eating an incredible piece of cheesecake and you see that soon your piece will be gone, you begin to take smaller bites and savor each nibble. I am ready to embark on life's adventure, but I just want to take all my friends and family with me. All this to say, if you see me deep in thought or receive random text messages or phone calls, I simply am cherishing this time, missing you, and wanting to savor the moments left in this season.