Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Year I Lost my Mind

Looking at this year retrospectively in my language arts free write:

The alarm clock always seemed to buzz too soon.
The sun was even too tired to rise.
Oatmeal was burnt because my mind was too full to recall that it needed water.
Hours were spent hoping, dreaming, and praying.
Will I make it through today?
Will I lose my mind in the process?
Novels were neglected and friends had to be penciled in.
Free time had to be scheduled.
While my planner was neat, I grew to hate the clock.
Why must I run from here to there? Why can't I travel? Why don't I have time to exercise?
My mind wanted to rest, to know the to-do list has been finished.

Like eating a bowl of berries I wanted to savor each moment because soon the season would change.
I knew that someday I would look upon this time and miss the moments of stress, of adventure, of trying to figure out who I was and will be.
O to stop and take in the breath of the first hints of autumn, to glance across the field at the sunset gracing the horizon.
Funny at the moment , I didn't have a spare second to appreciate the journey.
I think that was the year I got my first wrinkle to think they've only multiplied.

Every time I thought I had lost my mind it came floating back about the time the sun returned its place in the sky.

1 comment:

  1. Luci,
    This is Crystal. Thank you for posting this, it was fun to read, even though I'm sorry you feel so hurried and rushed. Believe me, I have and idea of what you're feeling! I was nodding along with the words "Free time had to be scheduled" and "friends had to be penciled in". That particular concept is one they've been trying to break us of here at the Training Center. Today's Time Management class was specifically titled: "People come first!" :) Such a great thing to remember as a missionary! Love & Miss you!
