Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love, grace, and joy through this weary land

Today I began to understand how people age. I often wondered what made people's eyes begin to droop or to sink in a little. I also used to wonder why adults were always sighing. I think I get it now. As a young person you understand your own personal heart break, but it is through growing up I am beginning to understand the heart break of this planet. All of these thoughts have led me to my musings on love, grace and joy to get through this dry and weary land.
What is love? Is it merely a feeling? Is it a verb? Is love something different for everybody or is there one definition that the world can agree upon? People often say that love is a choice, but what about the kind of love that you just can't help. No matter how hard you try not to love, it just won't get away. There are definitely those people in my life that I have chosen to love, but there are also those few that I just can't help, but love, no matter what. I then wonder why do people marry people they have to choose to love and not people they can't help, but love no matter what happens in life. I know that there's more to a solid relationship than love, but isn't love the motivation between every single one of our actions? 1 John talks about how God is love, so why do we stray from making everything about love? Afterall, there is too much hate in this world. The hate in this world is simply evidence that we are broken creatures in dire need of a transformation. And that is where grace comes in.
I am not going to pretend to fully understand grace, but I do know that it is a breath of fresh air, a moment in time for creation to all breathe a sigh of relief at this sign of hope.

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